Jobs in IT that pay well and don’t require coding

1. Software Product Manager

The product manager oversees and manages the product throughout each stage of its life cycle — from introduction through to maturity and even decline. They are expected to translate business strategies into technical requirements, including specifications for software development.

A product manager also manages project scope by making tradeoffs between competing objectives (such as features vs. time/costs), creating a vision that aligns with company goals, tracking software development progress, etc.

2.Project manager in IT Sector

A professional who plans and executes projects to assist businesses in achieving their IT objectives is known as an information technology (IT) project manager. A company’s IT project manager might be in charge of introducing new software solutions, expanding IT operations, or switching cloud providers.

There is a lot that goes into managing technology projects, including keeping an eye on the assignment’s regular progress, supervising the quality, and making sure that no essentials are overlooked.

Although they are not required to carry out programming tasks, IT project managers must be familiar with the fundamentals of the technical aspects of the project. Also, the manager needs to learn how to explain to the customer the most important and technical aspects of the project. The smooth operation of the business depends on these skills.

3.Data Analysis

Data is necessary for all organizations that make decisions, not just big ones. The advanced age requires these abilities like never before. The most accurate description of data analysis is “cleaning, converting, and modeling data to identify useful information for business decision-making.” The goal of data analysis is to extract useful information from data and use that information to make decisions.

In order to complete your work as an analyst, you must collect and examine activities that have been documented in the past using a variety of metrics and dimension parameters. These activities are then used to achieve future business objectives. These can be accomplished without coding using tools like Tableau, Datawrapper, Rapid Miner, Microsoft Excel, Fusion, and BigML! An annual salary of up to $70,033 is typical for a data analyst.

4.Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique for bringing targeted traffic to a website from a search engine’s organic ranks. This is one of the best tech careers that don’t require coding. You can get a great position on the search engines by doing common SEO tasks like creating high-quality content, optimizing it for particular keywords, and building backlinks. It’s a huge, high-paying tech skill that doesn’t require coding, like others. You can learn SEO and become an expert more quickly by using a number of free online resources.

You can become an expert even if you read popular SEO blogs written by experts like Neil Patel, Backlinko, and Moz. The best thing to do in addition to reading these blogs is to create a website or mini-blog where you can put what you’ve learned into practice, as doing so will help you study. You can earn more than $50,000 per year as an SEO expert by working for businesses to manage the online performance of their websites or by starting your own agency.

5.Technical Writer

technical writer writes company documents such as instruction manuals, intermediate to end-user manuals, reference guides, operating procedure guides, white papers, and specialized product descriptions. As documentation specialists, writers can create and update company paperwork related to technical staff training and development. Depending on their area of expertise, technical writers may also produce journal articles, occupational outlook handbooks, and other high-quality documentation. Technical documentation is essential to nearly all current global industries. so much so that the process of creating such content is a job in and of itself. Someone needs to translate complicated information into content that the end user can easily understand at every level of the corporate and commercial hierarchy. The job description for a technical content writer includes all of this.

6.UX Designer

The UX designer role is to make a product or service usable, enjoyable, and accessible. While many companies design user experiences, the term is most often associated with digital design for websites and apps. While the exact process varies from product to product and company to company, the general phases of design tend to stay the same.

All parts of an item’s turn of events, from plan to ease of use to work, are the obligation of a UX Originator. The core of their work is how users interact with a product from beginning to end, which includes meeting new customers and potential clients. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that UX designers work on a wide range of projects and for a wide range of businesses because of their broad scope. One survey found that the field of user experience design encompasses more than 200 distinct job titles and responsibilities. A UX Designer’s responsibilities include user research, persona creation, information architecture (IA), wireframing, prototyping, high-fidelity design, and user testing.


SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes, developing solutions that facilitate effective data processing and information flow across organisations. SAP consultants provide support, training, and guidance for projects and initiatives involving SAP (Systems Applications and Products) software programs and systems. They generally provide these services as a freelancer or independent contractor. They may be enlisted to assist with the planning, development, implementation, or maintenance of a particular system or program. They analyze organizational needs, pinpoint primary objectives or challenges, and recommend SAP-based solutions. They provide troubleshooting and tech support services, and may create user guides or other support materials and documentation.

8.Business Analyst

Business analysts work with organizations to help them improve their processes and systems. They conduct research and analysis in order to come up with solutions to business problems and help to introduce these systems to businesses and their clients. While there are still ongoing developments in various technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, Robotics, etc., Business Analytics has gained the status of being all-pervasive. Almost every aspect of our life has been touched by Analytics. Nearly 90% of all organisations have set up Analytics in their functioning over the past 5 years and nearly every domain has been a rise of opportunities in this sector.

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