• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Internet Friendly Media Encoder is a high performance video encoder that uses the H.265/HEVC standard with x265. Convert all your videos to the latest next generation video codecs. H.265 standard that can produce the same quality while using up to 50% less bandwidth. This means you can shrink the file to half its original size. Convert all your videos to the latest next generation video codecs. H.265 standard that can produce the same quality while using up to 50% less bandwidth. This means you can shrink the file to half its original size. IFME lets you encode media files to the H.265 standard using open source x265 with a simple and easy-to-use user interface (GUI). You can also use OpenCL acceleration to further encode and compress lossless audio.

Why Internet Friendly Media Encoder?

Internet Friendly Media Encoder is very simple and easy-to-use user interface (GUI). Most encoders or converters did not retain extra data such as Subtitle and Font files, doesn’t support conversion of multiple file in large batch, In IFME we get multiple option such as, We can add, delete and trim audio and video, It also allow users to manage Subtitle. Application like MeGUI is quite complicated for the novice user, Handbrake also does not keep Subtitle and Font, and queue management is not straight forward for a large batch.

How To Use Internet Friendly Media Encoder

Internet Friendly Media Encoder cab be used by the novice user. To convert the large video into small file follow the below steps.

Step 1:- Click on the + button to select your file.

It will show you 3 option. Only use 1 and 2 option from the list

  1. Import file:- use this option when you want to convert single file or multiple files.
  2. Import Folder:- use this option when you have multiple file in one folder and you want to convert all of the files from that folder.

Step 2:- Select the desired file which you want to convert and then click on the open button.

I am using this video from 4kmedia Video link:- LG: Story of Earth I don’t own this video. From the property you can see the video file size it’s 1.44 Gb and I am using this file for conversion. It’s a 4k video and by using the IFME Encoder I will compress this file up to 90%.

Disclaimer :- We will use the default setting in order to get the best quality with high compression rate. We will get more than 50% smaller video file after the encoding.

Step 3:- Now click on play button which is in the red box and it will start the compression of the video.

You can use the option Format & Profile to change the video file format(AVI, MP4, MKV WEBM and many more). From Output Folder Option you can change the location where file will be stored after encoding.

File Comparison After Encoding With IFME.

The video file encoding took hardly 2-3 Min. For video encoding I used a video from 4kmedia, The size of the file LG: Story of Earth is 1.44 GB and after encoding the video, It’s final size is 61.6 MB. Which is 90% less than the original video size. I did the conversion on the default setting of the Internet Friendly Media Encoder. One of the best thing of this video encoder is that even after compressing the video to 90% it didn’t reduce the quality of the video at all. I highly recommend this encode over MeGUI and Handbrake because IFME GUI is very user friendly and simple for the novice user. You don’t need much technical knowledge for this Encoder because MeGUI and Handbrake is quite complicated for the novice user.

This the final output of the Video encoding with Internet Friendly Media Encoder.
11 thoughts on “Internet Friendly Media Encoder X256 Converter”
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